Honor YOU, truthfully!

A lil’ truth to start the day…

The start of the day is very important. Your attitude and choices from the time you open your eyes has the unique ability to set the tone for the rest of that day- resulting in anything from peace and serenity to complete chaos. We’ve all been there before. You wake up on the “wrong side of the bed” and it seems you just “can’t get right” for the rest of the day. Well, you have the power to change that at any point from the start of your day right through to the end. Your attitude toward circumstances in and out of your control and the choices you make in response shape your experiences.

Now, words flow easy but it is in the doing that the challenges arise. Using myself as an example, I can be an extremely emotional person (if you know me, I’m sure you find this shocking. Shocking! lol). I more often than not allow situations, mostly people closest to me, to affect my mood and subsequently my focus and outlook. This is a fault of mine that I try hard to improve but has proven to get the best of me time and time again. One morning I awoke to the birds chirping, my dog snuggled close to me, and a slew of messages from people that I love and care about. On what did I choose to focus? The fact that I was still groggy from meds, didn’t feel well and didn’t have the energy I needed to rush and start my very demanding day. I wanted to have a leisure morning and couldn’t (wah wah, cry me a river), yet again I woke up in bed alone (which I actually cared about at that time in my life), I had a million things on my to-do list, and on and on and on and on. I could’ve just thought on the fact that I was granted life and the ability to open my eyes and breathe air into my lungs, the fact that my health was excellent and I was of sound mind. I was blessed to have a job, a career that, even though I wasn’t passionate about my work, provided for my way of life. Also, my world was filled with loving family and friends but none of these things are what I chose to grant my attention. The next 10 minutes or so went like this: I stubbed my toe on the side of the bed, broke my favorite hair brush, realized I’d ran out of cotton balls to clean my face and cucumbers for my morning detox smoothie, etc. etc. etc. Did I mention my dog scratched my leg with his freakin’ long nails?! Someone should do something about that…

Now I’m sure this is small potatoes for others and normal people encounter much more pressing issues in the morning lol, but if I didn’t change something right then and there what I just shared with you might have been an indication of how the rest of my day would fair, no doubt compounding issues as it continued. What happened next? I realize you’re just dying to know so I won’t prolong your suspense!!! Lol I needed a redo. Someone needed to press restart STAT and the only one that had the power to do so was ME! I went to a place of peace, my shower lol. I prayed as I washed the negativity away… exhaled stress, inhaled peace and assured myself of a productive, satisfying and rewarding day. Upon exiting the shower, I did so with a smile understanding that some refashioning of sorts had just occurred. Still, I couldn’t shake this one thing (that which shall remain unnamed for now lol). It pulled at my heart strings and called for a response, creating a version of me that I couldn’t quite recognize the self which had been created in its presence. This was not something that likely would have changed drastically in that moment, on that day but it is in moments like those and days like that as well as those to follow that I must make a choice to allow “IT” to rule me or decide to take back my power, my voice, and reclaim my identity.

Truth is we all struggle. Whether we share this with others or bury it deep within ourselves and create false realities, what we must never do is buy into someone else’s truth for us. Their reality is not and must not become our own. Allow the manifestation of what God/the Universe/Spirit/Source/Energy (whatever nomenclature you have assigned the god of your understanding) has placed in you to come to fruition, not what man throws on you. My truth: I am a powerful and dynamic being overflowing with love. I am living in my authenticity, worthy of being truly seen and loved and I am at peace with myself…flaws and all! I make no excuses and give no apologies for who I am today. I am still yet becoming and in this journey lies my purpose manifested.

What is your truth?

Light & Love,
